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Author's Chapter Notes: This is PART 2 of the Dodgems.
“Is that a….” Elizabeth tried to focus on it some more.
“PURPLE DINOSAUR!” ended John.

Teyla and Ronon get up to some more mischief. Oh God.


It was bordering on 4:00pm now, and it was getting late. A lot of people had left and started going home. But the four weren’t ready to resign now. Not by a long shot.

“I hate you two,” murmured John.
“Don’t be sad John, it’s only $15?” Teyla tried to reassure him. He wasn’t pissed at that; it was because Teyla and Ronon had interrupted his ‘first-kinda’ kiss with Elizabeth.

As the group walked through the almost-deserted streets of the fair ground, Elizabeth’s eyes lite up.

Her gentle hands picked John’s gloomy face up and turned it towards his favourite thing. The Ferris wheel. She could see the twinkling in his eyes as he picked up the pace to get there. At least maybe on the ride, they could get a bit more privacy.

Teyla and Ronon looked in awe at the big machine. It spun round and round. The queue was empty and a man was stepping out with what seemed to be a banner.

“NO!” yelled Teyla. The four dashed through the path knocking down everything in their path. Ronon accidentally hit a kid who fell into a melon stall. Ouch.

“STOP!” all four of the screamed! The man with a banner lifted his head to see a group of kids running towards him.
Once they got into range, they could see that the man had brown hair, with some streaks of grey, and was probably in his early 50’s.

“Can we go on the Ferris wheel?” asked John.
“Sorry, kid, we’re closing it down for the rest of the day.” He said.
“Please,” pleaded Teyla.
“Sorry kids but-”
“PLEASEEEE! ” they all begged together.

Elizabeth and John put on their puppy eyes, whilst Ronon and Teyla looked at him as if they were going to cry.

“Ah God, don’t give me those eyes. Fine, get on. You have 15mins then it stops alright?” The manager walked away, silently cursing himself for giving in.

The four of them were overwhelmed with joy. Elizabeth wrapped her arms around John’s neck, as his head was given no choice but to smell her hair. Teyla squeaked with excitement.

“Let’s go.” Said Ronon. He was already at the platform beckoning them over.

Teyla had already left, and Elizabeth was about to follow her when… “Wait.”
John had gripped her arm loosely, but just enough to stop her for a moment. “Uhm... Back on the Dodgems-”

“No need…” she cut in. Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck again and moved into position. John’s arms snaked around her waist and gripped her tightly. Oh, they weren’t going anywhere.

John fiercely attacked her lips, trying to taste every bit of her that he could. Her hands moved up into his hair and twirled it round her fingers, giving her more pleasure keeping him close. Just as John had lowered his fingers to the hem (well bottom) of her shirt, an airborne noise was heard. As if… something was falling out of the sky.

The two tilted their heads up.
“Oh My…” Elizabeth managed to get out.
“… God.” John finished.
The thing was getting closer.

It was within 100m and was getting closer by the second.

“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT DOING IN THE AIR!?” yelled John. This was probably the 3rd time today that he had to raise his voice so loud. It was becoming a record.

“Is that a….” Elizabeth tried to focus on it some more.
“PURPLE DINOSAUR!” ended John.

John took her hand and pulled her away from the destination of the toy. Oh, Teyla and Ronon were gonna pay hell for this. God Damnit! Second Time Today!

“That’s it. Lets get on the Ferris Wheel Elizabeth.” And with that he stopped the chair and hoisted her onto it. They were three seats behind Teyla and Ronon. The anger he was feeling was indescribable.


“I’m getting off, you coming?” asked Ronon.
“Yeah okay,” said Teyla.
“Wait… Where’s John and ‘Lizabeth?”
“I have no idea… They must be quite angry at us for throwing my purple dinosaur at them.”
She tried to stop the giggling that was building up in her throat. But once Ronon gave in, she did too.

“How about we turn the Ferris Wheel off, then look out for them?”
“Good idea.”
Ronon walked inside the operator’s room, whilst Teyla froze outside.

He came back out with a joystick in his hand.
“What did you do Ronon.” Her voice had a bit of annoyance and concern in it.
“Erm… I think my grip was too strong.”

All of a sudden the manager came running from outside, yelling and screaming at Ronon.

“Lets roll.” He said.
And that was it. Teyla and Ronon ran for their lives from the crazy old man.


Meanwhile, up on the Ferris wheel, it came to a stop.

Elizabeth had her head rested on John’s chest, as he lay out on the seat for her to be more comfortable. She was almost asleep when a moan came from her. “Wha’dy’stp?” she said.

“You mean, why did it stop?”
She nodded.

“I have no idea. But to tell you the truth… I’ve always wondered what it would be like to stay over night on of these. How bout you?”

A chuckle came from the person on him.
“Sounds fun.”
"Well, looks like we have no choice now," John laughed.

A curl strayed from the rest of her hair and went in her face. John’s gentle hand pushed it back into place as she sighed contently.

“Sleep. It’s the least we can do while were up here. Right?”
Her head slowly rose up, and her lips pecked him on the cheek.

“You know,” she started, “If I could be stuck with anyone on this ride, without a doubt, I'd choose you.” She nuzzled her head back down onto his chest.

“Haha, lucky it ain’t Kavanagh.”
“Oh no. He wouldn’t dare ride this thing with me. I’m wearing stilettos.” She looked down at her boots and admired them.

“They look good on you too.” He commented.
“Thankyou,” she sighed.

“I-I don’t know how to say this but-”
“Hush.” She looked up and placed her fingers on his bottom lip. John jut looked at her puzzled.

“I love you John.”
A smile crossed his face. She was physic.
“I love you too Lizzy Bear.”
A content sigh came from her as she re-positioned herself on him. It was easy for sleep to come, especially with the one you love.

Notes: How will they get off the Ferris Wheel. Wait for the next episode!
In progress already!!

Chapter End Notes: Thankyou to my loyal readers:
ele_belly *HUGGIEX*
krisrussel *HUGGIEX*
And my new reader:
ancientesha *SQUEEZE & HUGGIEX*

Thankx Guys. I appreciate your reviews. They mean alot to me :D

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