Summary: Just think...
John. Elizabeth. Teyla. Ronon. High School.
Yeah. Think about it. :D
Categories: Fanfiction Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Fluff & Slush, Humor, Other/Misc, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10
Completed: No
Word count: 9965
Read: 157902
Published: November 04, 2008
Updated: November 28, 2008
Football by Tennii xx
Author's Notes:
hehe football has to be included right? so why not jazz it up a bit.
“Yes sir!” he yelled back.
With a quick kiss on her cheek he left her and ran for the man with the clipboard.
Sorry, I’m no good with American Football terms, but I think the quarterback is the one who does the massive throws. And the full forward scores. Please correct me if I’m wrong. =( Sorry if I disappointed ‘you’ Americans. =(
It had been 2 weeks since they were stuck on the Ferris wheel. Apparently they were found the next day by the clean up patrol, and were returned to their worried sick parents. Although, John and Elizabeth weren’t so happy about it. The best part was, they egged Teyla and Ronon the next morning, just before the bus came. Oh yes. That got them good.
But that was ages ago. Today was the first football game of the season. And as you can imagine, Ronon was playing quarter back and John was playing full forward.
The weather was sunny, and the birds were used as targets out on the golf course. Shame that when they got hit, they then flew to the football field and delivered their crap on some of the audience. But since Elizabeth and Teyla were cheerleading, moving targets were harder to get.
It was Elizabeth’s first cheerleading game. She had been practising non-stop for a whole week with Teyla after school, and was still convinced that she wasn’t any good. Teyla tried convincing her else wise for she truly believed that she was one of the best cheerleaders she’s ever seen. Not to mention extremely co-ordinated and accurate.
A whistle was blown in the distance. The game was about to start soon. “All right!” Teyla said for she was the captain. “This is our first game, and we want it to be a memorable one.” The squad around her nodded. “We are going to get out there and show them what we’ve got. Who’s with me?”
She placed her hand out in front of the group. Elizabeth was the first to pile up then many others followed.
“Go team Cubs!” Teyla yelled.
Hands flew into the air as pom-poms were flown around. Cheering could be heard from a mile away. The boys had entered the field.
One particular girl could be heard over the rest. “Johnny!” she screamed. John looked her way for a second then rolled his eyes. Elizabeth couldn’t help but laugh at how he treated fans.
Teyla was standing on a chair high above her group.
“All right girls! Lets go wish them luck!”
A massive group of girls with their short skirts and revealing tops ran onto the field and started doing cartwheels and cheering the boys on.
“Be careful out there,” Elizabeth warned John.
“I will.” He said as he quickly gave her a tender kiss.
Elizabeth started to hurry back for the coach was calling them off the field. The game was about to start.
“Elizabeth wait!” yelled John.
He ran up to her and gently tugged on her arm. “You know… You look great in that outfit.” A devilish smile was pulled across his face.
“And you sir, look like a pumpkin.”
“A pumpkin? How so?” He was gob smacked. How on Earth did she get that idea?
“Just do. See you after the game?” she tapped him lightly on the nose that made him chuckle. As she ran off the field, John looked at her skirt. Damn, it looked fine on her.
Never in his wildest dreams could he imaging Elizabeth being a cheerleader. She was too… uhm…
un-cheerleaderish. He would never guess her as the type. But now he was going to see what she was made out of. Hopefully that skirt wouldn’t be too distractive once he was playing on the field.
Almost instantly, the opposition came into sight. A yelling man, supposably their coach, was ordering them to hustle. The referee from the sidelines came into view and blew his whistle three times.
“Everyone, lets get ready to start now!”
As the opposition was moving into position, one of the boys walked up to the cheerleading squad. John just stood there in disgust as he made his way to Teyla and Elizabeth. He couldn’t help but notice where the player’s eye’s drifted. They mainly held a gaze on Elizabeth, and that he could not bear.
“Sheppard!” Ronon yelled. Players were running crazily as the ball flew from person to person. John was at the back of the lot, and Ronon was getting ready to throw.
“I got it!” John yelled back. And with a hard throw, Ronon threw the ball in the air. The crowd gasped and held their breath as it flew high into the sky. Teyla’s eyes shimmered in the sun as she hoped it would reach John.
Wow he has a good arm, she thought.
John’s heart was pounding. He was almost at the touchdown mark. The ball was coming down fast. Wait. Re-wind. What the hell was that guy doing with his girlfriend? John just stopped. The opposition player was talking to Elizabeth, but she looked like she wasn’t really comfortable.
John didn’t know if it was because he was standing really close to her, or because he kept eyeing her in best-left-undescribed places.
“Sheppard! Run you idiot!” screamed the coach.
Right, he thought.
John kept up with his pace and ran faster than he thought he could. The ball was just out of reach. His fingers were reaching up for it. Lingering in the air as if waiting to catch it. He could almost touch it. If only he could reach it and touch on the line-
That was it. He had been barged over. Great. When he looked up, he looked at the player that had pushed him over. “Nice try,” the guy said.
John sighed. Nice try buddy, but you failed, he thought.
But wait. His arms were holding something. Was that what he thought it was. Yes. Yes it was! He was holding the ball. John hoisted it up into the air and threw it.
The crows went insane. Although John didn’t hear one bit of it. All his eyes could do was wonder around and look for Elizabeth. His team-mates surrounded him and clapped him on the back in encouragement and appreciation.
John ran to the sidelines and up to his coach.
“Nice work Sheppard, you all had us worried there.”
“Me too coach. Mind if I sit out a while, I don’t fell too well?”
“Sure.” He smiled then turned his head to the bench-line.
“Lorne your up! Now get moving!”
“Sir yes sir!” The brown haired teen replied.
“That Lorne kid has a lot of potential.” The coach muttered.
“Yes sir, yes he does.” And honestly, John was telling the truth. He had seen Evan Lorne at training/practise, and he was good. John had no idea why he wasn’t put in the first set. But that was to be thought of another time. Now was the time to ease up Elizabeth.
He turned around to see the girls cheerleading. That kid was still there watching her. Elizabeth was shaking, and John knew why. She usually got like this when she was uncomfortable. John waved a hand at her and she immediately caught sight of it. He removed his head protection as she dropped her pom-poms and ran over to him.
There he was, arms wide open, getting ready to swing her round. When she finally got there, he pulled her into a welcoming hug and spun her round. As Elizabeth was spun around she couldn’t help but notice the girl who screamed out ‘Johnny!’ earlier, eyed them off, and moved from her chair. Odd, she thought.
“How you going with the cheering?” asked John cautiously.
She sighed heavily. “That guy over there, takes the fun out of everything.”
“What! Why?” His tone seemed to demand an explanation.
“I don’t know. He just came up to Teyla and me and started talking to us like he’d known us for years. But the truth is, I have absolutely no idea who the heck he is?”
“Oh. Not this again…” John placed his hand onto his face and wiped away the sweat that was building up.
“Not what?”
“The old-”
“Yes sir!” he yelled back.
With a quick kiss on her cheek he left her and ran for the man with the clipboard.
“It’s almost half time and we are losing. We have only managed to score two more times since you’ve been off. Now stop messing with the cheerleaders, and get your ass back on the field!” The coach emphasized ‘ass on the field’ part.
“Yes sir!” he did a perfect salute and popped his headgear back on. Maybe the air force was what he was destined for after all?
It was a brutal battle. Blood, sweat, desire, victory and mostly defeat echoed through the field. John was going to loose it. Go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo- Wait. Now he was sounding like his Year 11 mate Jack O’Neill. He still wonders how his girlfriend Sam Carter keeps him in line.
You ask why he was going to loose it? Oh easy. ‘Blondey’ over there is trying to flirt with Elizabeth. Very poorly might I add. And if he is correct on this, it seems as if she’s willing to do anything to get away from him.
In the corner of her eye, he sees her move towards the bathroom. Smart move. He grins at her intelligence.
Ronon shoots a glance at him. “Sheppard, do you know that guy?” He points to the blonde walking in the direction of Elizabeth. “No,” he whispers. “But I plan to find out.”
“I’m coming too buddy.” Ronon stated.
The boys puffed and panted as they ran all the way over the full court, passed the canteen, over the small hill and down a large slope.
“Teyla’s doing great out there.” Ronon tried to break the ice.
“Sure is.”
They came to a halt. A yelp of plea for help was heard in the distance. “STOP!” the voice of Elizabeth was heard just barely.
John ran as fast as he could. If that bastard touched her, he was going to pound him hard. Doesn’t matter if he’s cut from the season. Screw that. Elizabeth was more important.
Ronon ran faster than him and got to the back of the bathrooms first. He looked inside and found 4 candidates.
“GET OFF HER!” he screamed. John could only think of bad thoughts.
I hope she’s all right, he thought.
Ronon walked out of the room with Elizabeth in his arms. Her clothes were torn, arms had some bruising, redness on her neck and on her legs.. She looked so beaten and broken that it was heart breaking. “Elizabeth?” he whispered.
She didn’t respond.
“Lizzy?” he asked again.
Oh they were going to pay. Whoever they were.
“Looks like she got into one hell of a fight.”
Bingo. “Sure did, my little fighter.” John knelt down and wiped away the curls that invaded her face.
“Lizzy Bear, wake up.”
“Please.” Pleaded Ronon.
The lifeless body sprung into life as she tossed her head around. “Johnny.” A smile on her face brought tears to his eyes. He never thought he’d see the day where he would cry again. It never felt so good though.
“I’m here sweetie, and so is Ronon.” Ronon nodded his head at Elizabeth then focused on John’s face again.
“Do you know what happened?”
“No. Some girls just came and attacked me. They were already in there when I got there.”
“Anything else?”
“Uhm… no.”
“Wait! Yes, some guy came down here as well. I couldn’t see his face from the football mask but yeah. He pinned me down while the girls basically ‘mugged’ me.” Her face dropped as a sheet of white spread over it. She must have a bad concussion or something?
“Oh dear lord.” John was fuming.
He got up and strode towards the girls bathrooms. One of the girls looked familiar. Oh My God.
End Notes:
OMG! poor elizabeth. don't worry. she won't die or any crap :)
she'll recover hopefully :) OMG CHAYA! enjoy!
Thankyou to:
krisrussel *huggiex*
ancientesha *huggiex*
ele_belly *huggiex*
please R&R with ideas :) fill in the gaps for what i have prepared later :)
thankyou for reading!
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