Summary: Just think...
John. Elizabeth. Teyla. Ronon. High School.
Yeah. Think about it. :D
Categories: Fanfiction Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Fluff & Slush, Humor, Other/Misc, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10
Completed: No
Word count: 9965
Read: 157897
Published: November 04, 2008
Updated: November 28, 2008
Dodgems by Tennii xx
Author's Notes:
Hehe... I really enjoyed this one. :) Enjoy! It's decently long so.. Knock yourself out!
Uhm.. This is a hint... :D
“WHAT THE HELL IS IT NOW!” yelled John.
The two turned back to see Teyla and Ronon grinning like idiots at them. Oh God. The word dodgems won’t be forgotten too easily.
John, Elizabeth, Teyla and Ronon just stood there in the middle of the big fair ground. Music surrounded them, children laughing, a fight breaking out near the popcorn stand and security guards chasing after a guy who had dressed up like a woman. Nothing was out of the ordinary.
“So…” Ronon began.
“Look!” John pointed up into the sky at a rotating wheel.
“Lets go ‘Lizabeth!” He pulled her arm over to the Ferris wheel. Elizabeth looked behind her to see where Teyla and Ronon were. They were no-where in sight. Heh, at least they get some alone time together, she thought.
“Lines too long…” pouted John once they got there.
Elizabeth lifted up his chin and said, “Aww… Theres plenty of things to do here, so… Lets try one out! You’ve probably seen School Fairs here more than me so show me around silly!” Her soft fingers tapped him lightly on the nose. John chuckled.
“And away we go me lady!” he said. Little did he know, that Elizabeth had ringed her arm around his…
On the other side of the fair, Ronon and Teyla were having a ball! Teyla was delighted when she saw a hoops stall. So far, she was winning, and Ronon, well… he gave up a ‘long’ time ago. Teyla had begged him not to stab the stall manager with the nearby javelin stick.
“1…2…3….” she counted.
WHOOSH! The hoop spun around the massive dinosaur’s neck. “YES!” Teyla screamed. Ronon picked her up and spun her round in a tight hug.
After a moment or two, the store manager came back with another dinosaur from the stockpile. Teyla gratefully took it as Ronon placed his hand on the small of her back. She looked up to him and stared in his eyes.
Ronon bent his head down until his mouth was in front of her ear. “You’re beautiful you know.” Teyla couldn’t help but smile at him. Shortly his mouth was descending onto hers. She could feel his breath, as the distance between them was getting smaller and smaller.
‘Pucker up’ she thought. His lips lightly brushed against hers. He tasted amazingly good. Teyla wanted more, but this was neither the place, nor time.
“Shall we find the two?” Teyla asked as they parted.
“We shall.” Ronon put his hand back on her back and guided her through the fair grounds.
“Dodgems?” asked Elizabeth in surprise.
“Yeah why not!” John retorted.
“Your such as kid sometimes…” she couldn’t help the smile that was bouncing on her lips. Even John could see it as he stared at them.
The line was getting shorter by the second. “Pleaseeeee?” begged John. He displayed his bets puppy dog eyes, hoping to get a confirmation.
“C’mon Johnny.” Elizabeth gripped his hand and pulled him into the queue. “Johnny aye?” he questioned.
Elizabeth giggled. “You’re a kid right?”
His eyes widened. “Ahh yes... And you can be Lizzy Bear!”
This time it was Elizabeth’s eyes that widened. Her father used to call her that. “Well,” she began. “If you must, then Lizzy will be fine. But Lizzy Bear is kinda…”
“…Weird?” he finished. “I for one think not!”
His arm was gripping her to closer to him. Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile. She was happy she’d gotten to know him the way she did. He always made her smile, even on the bad days. Elizabeth could swear he was going to join the Air Force, for he had already developed a ‘cocky’ and ‘flyboy’ attitude.
“They’re not at the Ferris wheel?” pointed at Ronon.
“I can see that, so where else would they go?” asked Teyla.
The two looked at each other and then quickly ran off.
They arrived about a minute later at the Dodgems. John and Elizabeth were at the back of the line. ‘Perfect,’ thought Ronon. Quickly and quietly, he walked up to John.
He could hear bits and pieces of the conversation the two were having. “Carnival… After… Pool… Out?” was what John said.
Now that Elizabeth had started talking he had to go now. He ran the rest of the way and jumped on John’s back.
“Guess who?” Ronon asked.
“Lemme guess.” John said sarcastically, as he was struggling to keep himself and the fool on top of him afloat. Teyla had wandered the rest of the way and stood next to Elizabeth in amusement.
“Get off… you… damn… caveman!” The girls just stood their laughing their heads off. Ronon had managed to wrap his hands around John’s eyes whilst trying to stand on his shoulders. With a giant push, John caught him off guard and Ronon went down with a thud. Teyla immediately went to his aid.
“Are you kids going on the dodgems or not? Asked the Dodgems manager. Ronon stood up and dusted himself off. John had linked arms with Elizabeth again, but turned around to stick his tongue at Ronon.
“Share or singles?” John asked.
“Why share when we can gang up on them with two cars?” Elizabeth argued.
“Aww… So you don’t wanna share a car with me?”
“I didn’t say that!”
“But you were thinking it!”
“Sorry to ruin your fun kids, but theres only 1 car left.”
John smiled proudly.
Elizabeth pouted.
“Fine then.” And that was that. She retired to sharing a car with John. They buckled up and looked out for Teyla and Ronon, who were also sharing a car.
Ronon turned his head towards Teyla. “Plan?” he asked
Teyla turned round to look at him. “Beat em’ up as much as we can?” she offered.
“Sounds good to me.” Ronon shrugged.
“DEAL!” John shouted back.
Oh, how interesting will the dodgems race be?
The bell ran about 5 minutes after when everyone was geared up and ready to go. DING, DING, DING, it went.
John and Elizabeth’s red car was the first to go. Teyla and Ronon’s blue car followed shortly after.
John was confused, for they zoomed around the room, smashing all the other competitors. John was confused. Weren’t they meant to smash him up?
“BRING IT ON LOVE BIRDS!” John yelled.
Teyla turned round from the blue car and looked at him with a smirk. Both boys were at the wheel.
Ronon was concentrating hard. If only he could beckon John somehow to chase him.
“Teyla,” he whispered.
She nodded in acknowledgement.
“How can we get them to follow us?”
“Leave it to me.”
Teyla wore a wicked grin on her face as she turned to settle her eyes on Elizabeth.
“C’mon Elizabeth. Beat us up like you did with Kavanagh!” Teyla was trying her best to look like she was stamping on someone’s foot/leg. But Ronon had silenced her down because her black leather boots were getting in the way of his steering.
Elizabeth bowed her head as she was consumed into fits of laughter.
During the week, she had taken another go at Kavanagh. She had beaten him at a Maths test, and had gotten top mark in many other subjects. Kavanagh was jealous so he took a go at her. But Elizabeth was too quick with her stuff and stabbed her stiletto heel in his leg. That got him good.
There wasn’t much of a crowd that day, but word spread round not to mess with Elizabeth. She looked vulnerable and small, but she had one hell of a kick. Guys tried to follow her, as girls tried to act like they’d been best friends for years. Only she and Teyla knew that they were after their popularity. Oh, the joys of High School.
“God…” she managed to get out.
“What?” asked John, with a hint of concern?
“Just remembered Kavanaghs face when I ‘owned’ him, like you said.”
John managed a chuckle and wiped the sweat of his face as they caught up to the blue car.
BOOM! He hit the car right in the back. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! He hit some more.
“Looks like we’re gonna win the pie contest.” John smiled.
“Hey, we can make Ronon enter it and stuff his face.”
“GOOD IDEA!” he exclaimed.
BOOM! Something hit them from the back.
Oh. An infant (around 6ish) was taking a go at them. He had a little girl passenger in his purple car and was yelling at Elizabeth and John.
“Hurry up you two lovers!” he yelled. John turned around to stick his tongue at the kid, as Elizabeth’s eyes widened.
“Lovers aye?” she repeated.
“Mmm… I wasn’t thinking of that word but…”
Elizabeth put her finger on his lips and then moved closer to him. The amount of space the car had was tight, but she managed to draw closer to him, as if he was a magnet of some kind.
He could feel her breath for it was like mint. Elizabeth took him in and robbed his lips of the chocolate cake he had eaten before they got here. John moaned.
BOOM! Someone hit them… Again
“Hurry up you two! Get a room for heavens sake then!”
“WHAT THE HELL IS IT NOW!” yelled John.
The two turned back to see Teyla and Ronon grinning like idiots at them. Oh God. The word dodgems won’t be forgotten too easily.
TBC XX Hope you like it!!
End Notes:
Thankyou for reading! Means alot to me!
Don't forget to review please! R&R (Read and Review)
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