Summary: Just think...
John. Elizabeth. Teyla. Ronon. High School.
Yeah. Think about it. :D
Categories: Fanfiction Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Fluff & Slush, Humor, Other/Misc, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10
Completed: No
Word count: 9965
Read: 157888
Published: November 04, 2008
Updated: November 28, 2008
Win for Elizabeth by Tennii xx
Author's Notes:
“You know, I’ve only known you for less than 5 minutes, but from what I can tell, you’re a coward.” Kavanagh stood there appalled.
The small group walked over to the lush green grass that awaited them on the other side of the hill. Teyla had chosen it because it was tempting enough to fall asleep in.
“God. I still don’t see why you had to use the hose on us.”
Teyla smiled at Ronon’s comment as he hungrily bit into his sandwich. It was lunch and he was still complaining.
“Hey, we could have left you there?” John defended.
The girls roared with laughter. “Remember the time that that jerk Kavaugh stole John’s gym shorts, and had to chase him round the school in his underwear?” asked Teyla.
“Oh really John?” Elizabeth couldn’t picture it, but it seemed extraordinarily funny. “Mmm… Yeah. Now can we get back to eating?” he asked hurriedly, trying to get off the topic.
“No no no,” she interrupted. “I’d like to hear more about this Kavanagh guy.”
The three others murmured behind her back. Ronon looked up at the 3 figures that were walking towards them. “Right on time,” he said.
“Elizabeth,” Teyla started. “This is Rodney, Radek and… Kavanagh.” She stressed the last person’s name, as he stared into her with harsh eyes.
“Nice to meet you. Newbie huh?” Rodney snorted.
“Guess so. Science nerd huh?” John and Ronon almost spat out their juice that they were drinking.
Radek opened his mouth to speak but Rodney silenced him with a death stare.
“How would you know? Just because you’re in my classes, doesn’t mean that you know-”
Elizabeth had shut him up good. In her hands was a fresh lemon. John couldn’t help but feel proud of her. He sat beside her and whispered in her ear, “God I’m proud of you.” Elizabeth laughed. “I learnt form the best.” She whispered back.
Kavanagh had decided to speak up, for Rodney was speechless and Radek was trying his hardest to suppress the roar of laughter that was going to explode any time now.
“If you’re going to make friends here, then I suppose you get with it and take your lemons else where.”
Teyla and Ronon just sat there shocked.
Radek looked at Kavanagh with the You’re-Gonna-Get-It-Now look. John stood up, but Elizabeth put a hand in front of him and nodded in appreciation of what he was going to do. “I can handle this,” she whispered again.
Rodney and Radek scampered away as Elizabeth walked up to the remaining boy, closely followed by John on her tail.
“You know, I’ve only known you for less than 5 minutes, but from what I can tell, you’re a coward.” Kavanagh stood there appalled. His mouth was open and looked at her, trying to hold her gaze for as long as he could.
“But some would say that is too harsh. I disagree.” She took 3 more steps closer.
“I say that you’re a shameful coward, hiding behind your own pride. And for heavens sake, get rid of the pony tail!”
And with that, she quickly did a tight slap. A hand mark was left on his cheek to show he had been ‘owned’.
Elizabeth swivelled on her high heels and walked off.
She had certainly caused a crowd around her, for many of them were cheering. And for her opponent? Well, lets just say, he won’t be bothering her any time soon. At least, that’s what she and her friends’ thought.
John, Teyla and Ronon chased after her. Soon they found her behind the girl’s bathroom drawing. Teyla sat down next to her as John stood behind her admiring the picture.
“Oh,” said Elizabeth. “Just drawing what happened.”
A smile was bouncing off her face and onto her friends. Ronon had thought that she was a weak, vulnerable person, but Kavanaghs mark proved him wrong.
“You know ‘Lizabeth,” he began. “You should consider Politics. You’d make a very good diplomat.”
“Mmm…” she replied. “Now you sound just like my mother, always raving on about me and my diplomat skills.”
All four of them laughed.
It was a good first day for Elizabeth, and her friends too. Not only did they score a ‘burn mark’ against that ‘pony tail’ guy, but also they got to see another side of Elizabeth. A strong and sensitive side, and believe it or not, it pushed her popularity through the roof.
TBC xx
End Notes:
Just a short chapter I decided to write about Elizabeth strong and diplomatic side. Please R&R, if you have any ideas, I'd liek to hear them. Thanku! xx
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