Summary: Just think...
John. Elizabeth. Teyla. Ronon. High School.
Yeah. Think about it. :D
Categories: Fanfiction Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Fluff & Slush, Humor, Other/Misc, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10
Completed: No
Word count: 9965
Read: 157900
Published: November 04, 2008
Updated: November 28, 2008
Hiding behind a Bush? by Tennii xx
Author's Notes:
Elizabeth and John are getting on well, while Ronon is being attacked by a dog. How lovely.
Elizabeth stood up and walked towards him. His spine was tingling. Was this normal? His knees felt like jelly as he watched her beautiful lips quirk into a smile.
“Hi!” she said. “Nice to meet you.”
She extended a hand.
“Um… Nice to meet you too.”
He accepted her hand. Woah her hand was warm.
He lifted his head up, and meet her eyes. In no time at all, he was lost in them. They were an illuminating green colour. If he could stand like this forever, he would be quite content with that.
“Uhm… John?”
He was dragged out of his thought. Wait, how did she know his name?
“Oh. Sorry,” he quickly said.
And with a shake of his head he let go of his hand and ran it through his hair. How damn long was he standing there for? A blush crept up and consumed his neck.
Elizabeth giggled as Teyla walked to her side. “John, this is Elizabeth.” He gave a small nod of acknowledgement, the focused his eyes back on Teyla.
“Ronon and I were telling Elizabeth some interesting times we’ve shared together.”
“I’ve heard much about you John.” She was grinning like an idiot at him, but he didn’t care. She was too beautiful to be faulted.
“Oh really? What have you two been telling her? I hope you haven’t frightened the poor girl!”
Teyla and Elizabeth tried their hardest to suppress the laughter that had risen to their throats.
“Very funny John, but we have been telling her of the new house she has moved into. Apparently she’s the new tenants there,” Teyla said.
“Yes. She has yet to pick a school to attend, and was thinking of ours, even before she met us!”
“No way!” exclaimed John.
“Anyone thinking of helping me anytime soon.” Came a voice.
Where is Ronon? Thought John. He moved a few steps to the side, only to see him being pulled to the ground. The tall teen was being wrestled with by a dog. It’s paws were on his stomach pinning him down, and growling, as Ronon tried to keep his face far away from its.
Elizabeth turned her head and gasped. “Ollie!” she yelled. The yellow Labradors ears picked up and looked around for its master. She bent over and clapped her hands together.
The dog bolted at full speed towards her. Once it finally was at her feet, it humbly plopped itself on them. Exhausted it was from battling Ronon.
“Your dog huh?” smiled John
“Yeah I spose’. We’ve only had him for a year, and he's one heck of a troublemaker. I was thinking of going to a dog training class, but I’m scared he’ll try and tackle them.”
Ronon stood in line next to Teyla. “Just like me huh?”
John was laughing along with Elizabeth.
“Oh, believe me, this isn’t the first time,” laughed Teyla
They spent the rest of the day at Teyla’s playing with Ollie. The big dog tried to pin him down twice more, but Elizabeth was quick with her commands. John admired that. The last time he had a dog, it was uncontrollable, and eventually, it had to be put down.
John wasn’t really the same with dogs since then. But now that he could feel the sensation of a furry critter around, it was all coming back to him.
It was bordering 6:00pm and they were all sitting near the gutter on Ronon’s front lawn. They were soaking wet, again. This time, it was not from ‘super soakers’ but from Ronon’s foolishness attempting to water the garden. So there they were now, watching contently as the sun made it's way down. Life couldn't get any better than this.
“Arrgg!” screamed Teyla. Ronon was catching on her tail and triggered the hose to full power. Oh, did she go down with a splash or what! Elizabeth and John were hiding behind a bush. How convenient, he thought.
Elizabeth looked up to his face and whispered, “Distraction?”
“Well, it was quite comfy here and all so...”
“Oh shut up John. No wonder Teyla calls you cocky.”
“Oh really, well I’ll have you know-”
She punched his arm hard. They had gotten to know each other quite well in the limited time that they had spent together. She was pretty amazing he had to admit.
“Ow!” he exclaimed.
Footsteps were overheard just meters away from them.
Her hand reached up and covered his mouth. John looked at her confused, until she silenced him with the raising of one of her eyebrows.
“Well, well well.” Said Ronon. “This is a bonus.”
The hose was aimed at them both.
“Any last words?” he asked.
“Only that I die with dignity. But that doesn’t really count so-
“Too late.”
A second later, they were on the ground. Wet. Soaking. Eliminated. Yup. Oh the fun of a hose.
End Notes:
Please R&R, I'd really like to know what you think!
Otherwise, I don't know if I should continue. Thanku for reading!
Krisrussel: *huggiex*
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