Summary: Just think...
John. Elizabeth. Teyla. Ronon. High School.
Yeah. Think about it. :D
Categories: Fanfiction Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Fluff & Slush, Humor, Other/Misc, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10
Completed: No
Word count: 9965
Read: 157897
Published: November 04, 2008
Updated: November 28, 2008
The Fruit Basket? by Tennii xx
Author's Notes:
A Fruit Basket?
--Something was special about her. He knew it.--
John couldn’t sleep that night. All he could think about was that pretty girl from across the road. Her beautiful green eyes, her bouncy burgundy hair, and those sexy legs of hers. And with a bonus, she also had the talent of art . It was nothing like John had ever seen before. She was so… so… Perfect.
A piece inside of him wished that she would go to the same school as him, another wished he could see her again and tell her what he really thought about her painting. But that would all have to wait for another time, because now was the time to sleep.
Now that John had thought out his worries, he knew he would see her again, doesn’t matter if it’s next week, tomorrow, or in the morning, he would see her because they were neighbours. That was good enough to be content about, without warning, he quietly drifted to sleep.
It was Sunday, and he didn’t really feel like getting up. The sun’s rays were lightly poking his face, and it was seriously distracting. For crying out loud! Fine I’ll get up!
As John passed his window, he couldn’t help but notice a lonely figure sitting across the street. It was that girl from yesterday. A small knot inside his stomach was coming loose, because he was just so glad to see her face again.
Her hair was unmistakable. But wait, what was that? Is that laughter?
Suddenly Teyla and Ronon emerged from the left and sat on either side of Elizabeth. By the looks of it, Teyla was pointing to a particular part of it. A few seconds later, Ronon was looking through the girls pencil case, when he finally passed over a crayon. Damnit, should have gotten up earlier.
“John!” a voice yelled that interrupted his thought.
“Yes mum?” he yelled back.
“Give this to the new neighbours with Teyla and Ronon won’t you?”
“Give what?”
He was curious so he ran over to the banister, only to spot his mother with a lovely woven basket containing fruit and chocolate.
“Uhmm… Okay. Just let me get changed.” He said when he eyed the basket.
And with that he was gone, only to return 10mins later, with a blue shirt and some jeans. As he walked downstairs, his mum tried to suppress a giggle. John narrowed his eyes on her.
“What?” he asked annoyed.
“Oh. I haven’t seen you dress so nicely since your fathers funeral.”
“That was like, last October?”
“Exactly, are you trying to impress someone, John?”
“No, have you ever thought that I might just want to feel comfortable in jeans?”
“Whatever sweetheart.”
She walked past him to the kitchen, lightly rubbing her hand over his head on the way.
God I’m hungry. No surprise there, he didn’t have any breakfast. Maybe eating would get rid of the butterflies his stomach was occupying.
Here I go. He opened the door, to see that no one was outside. What the hell? He dropped the basket and ran to Ronon’s house only 2 doors away. The doorbell rung, and Ms Dex answered it. “Morning Ms Dex, is Ronon or Teyla here?” Ms Dex looked down at him with a small smile. “Sorry sweetheart, I thought they would have gone to either yours or Teyla’s. He’s definitely not here.”
So now that means, he has to walk to Teyla’s. Never mind, it was just across from Ronon’s. John loved it how they lived so close together. So many times they played Soccer on the streets, playing with the ‘super soaker’ water guns, and playing Hide and Seek for there was many bushes.
It was a short walk to Teyla’s house. He admired the use of native plants in her front garden. It was so pretty and colourful. He rang the doorbell again, only to hear the thumping of many feet. That was most likely her 3 older brothers. Secretly they kind of scared him.
About 30 seconds later, the door was answered by Teyla. “John!” she exclaimed. Her arms were wrapped around his neck. Breath was something he couldn’t take in right now.
After a minute she finally let go, and he gasped. She looked at the floor for a moment before saying, “Oh John, come in!” She directed him outside to where he saw two other people.
One being Elizabeth. He couldn’t help but remember her name, just like yesterday when she was called inside. John couldn’t help it as his insides went like jelly. Something was special about her. He knew it.
End Notes:
2nd Chapter Done. Horray! R&R Please.
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