High School Never Ends by Tennii xx
Summary: Just think...
John. Elizabeth. Teyla. Ronon. High School.
Yeah. Think about it. :D
Categories: Fanfiction Characters: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama, Fluff & Slush, Humor, Other/Misc, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 9965 Read: 157909 Published: November 04, 2008 Updated: November 28, 2008
She's Awake by Tennii xx
Author's Notes:
Uhm.. Sorry it took so long. 3 weeks I think? Now my exams are over, I can post more frequently now. SORRY! I hope this chapter makes up for it?

ancientesha - i always adore your comments xx
krisrussel - thankyou. n sorry 4 confusing you xx
and elly_belly - i considered your idea. your an angel, thankyou
Small Re-cap

He got up and strode towards the girls bathrooms. One of the girls looked familiar. Oh My God.


“Chaya, wake up.” John knelt on the ground and pushed her shoulder. A small mumble came from inside her chest and soon her head started shaking. “Chaya, get up.”

Chaya turned her body a bit to face the person waking her up from her previous state. “John?” she asked.

“Yes Chaya, it’s me. Now what the hell were you doing?”
“Oh God…” was all she said.
Slowly her head descended, and dropped onto the wet floor tiles. Ronon walked silently into the room, carefully observing Chaya.

“You know John… Instead of demanding answers, you can-”
“I don’t need your help right now Ronon.” John cut in.
Ronon could tell he was angry. His veins were starting to show, and sweat was dripping off his forehead.
“I need to get out of here.”
And with that he picked himself up and ran outside.

He was running. Running like there was no tomorrow. Running like hell was at his feet threatening to consume him into a world of pain. Running he was, into his own world of discomfort. Shame he was already there.

John raced up to a nearby tree. The tears threatening to trickle down his face were starting to show. The red tinge in his eyes was glowing as he tried to hold back his rage. His breathing kept with the pace of his heart, not daring to slow down. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore and started having a go at the tree. Swing. Punch. Kick. Punch.

The tree was taking a hell of a throbbing. There was that much frustration and hate towards himself that he gave it everything he had. Leaves fell instantly as each swing took its toll. Soon, he broke down. The weight of his body gave in and pulled him hard on the ground. The weight of the world was tugging at his knees, forcing him to kneel in front of the tree. He couldn’t take it. He didn’t care if today was the apocalypse. Just didn’t give a damn. He started to cry.

“She got what she deserved.”
John shot up. His hand immediately shot up to his face and wiped the tears away. Looking up, he saw the guy in his football gear. It was the guy from the opposite team. The one who was making Elizabeth nervous? The blonde. Oh God. He was going to lose it.

“You son of a bitch.”
John moved forward and stood neck to neck with him. It took every bit of strength and self-control he had to not knock this guys head off.

“John! She’s awake!” He turned his head and saw Ronon dashing up the hill with Teyla. Teyla was still in uniform and she had a smile on her face. It had to be good news.
John started to make a move when he heard a snicker from the person behind him.

“You know… you’re more gutless than I thought. You can’t even-” Before he knew it, John turned on his right foot and reacted with a swift blow to his face. The guy was knocked out cold. ‘Serves him right,’ he thought. John couldn’t help but wonder who he was.

The sun was shinning on the hill, onto a small object hanging around the unconscious person’s neck. Without any further thinking, he reached out his hand and took a firm grip on it. Twisting it round in his grip, he saw it was a dog tag. Turning it in his fingers it read ‘Kolya’.

Damn that son of a bitch. I'll get his later. Remembering what Teyla and Ronon had told him, he raced with all his energy back down to the bathrooms. First the first time today, he felt a small burden lift… and fly away.

End Notes:
Uhm.. Sorry it took so long. 3 weeks I think? Now my exams are over, I can post more frequently now. SORRY! I hope this chapter makes up for it?

ancientesha - i always adore your comments xx
krisrussel - thankyou. n sorry 4 confusing you xx
and elly_belly - i considered your idea. your an angel,
This story archived at http://www.sheppardweir.com/fanfics/viewstory.php?sid=1404