Alive Together by Keladry
Summary: Sometimes they just need to feel. Alive. Each other. Just feel.
Categories: Fanfiction Characters: None
Genres: Fluff & Slush, Romance, Smut & Porn
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1564 Read: 4022 Published: August 30, 2006 Updated: August 30, 2006
Chapter 1 by Keladry

He has barely turned off the lights and gotten into bed before he hears the door open again and sees her slender figure step into the room, for a moment illuminated by the lights from the hallway outside his quarters. Without turning the lights inside back on she finds her way across the room to his bed – she knows the room as well as her own by now - and he hears the soft noises as her clothes hit the floor.

She quickly searches the area around the bed for that old t-shirt of his she's always wearing when she stays in his quarters over night. Then the mattress shifts slightly and he feels her lift the bed covers and curl up next to him. He moves closer, spooning up behind her, tugging at her waist to draw her nearer to him.

“I thought you were going to read some more reports.” he presses his face against her neck.

“I decided it could wait until tomorrow.” she snuggles closer to him, establishing as many points of contact between them as possible. “I can leave again, if you want.” she teases lightly.

“Mmmmph.” he mumbles against her back, slipping his fingers under the hem of her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her belly underneath. “You stay exactly where you are.”

She smiles, enjoying the feeling of his warm, solid body next to hers, his rough but gentle fingers on her skin. It's been over a year since they started sleeping together and somehow she's so used to his presence it should probably scare her, but it doesn't. He can drive her crazy sometimes, but somehow she thinks she needs that, too.

That's why she's here now, in his quarters. To be near him. To feel him. To let him distract her from her work, her duties, from her worries even. Because he can do that. He is the only one who can do that.

She slowly rolls onto her back and he props himself up on one arm to look down at her.

“Hey.” he says softly.

“Hey.” she replies, her voice equally as soft.

They both know what the other wants. The day has been long and less than uninteresting, filled with nothing but lots and lots of unrewarding paper work. They need to feel that they're alive. Not their usual fast and desperate “I thought I'd lost you” still-alive-sex. Just using their bodies for a change after having been forced to sit still all day. Feeling that they still have bodies, so to speak.

Or maybe that's an excuse, he thinks, but he doesn't really care, because that's Elizabeth lying there in front of him, looking up at him with this hunger in her eyes.

He slowly stretches out on top of her, slipping one leg between hers.

His face is only inches away from hers and she feels his hot breath on her parted lips.

Then his lips cover hers, his tongue darting into her mouth as she meets it with her own. They go from passionate to desperate and hungry in mere seconds, parting just long enough for him to get her out of her shirt which is tossed carelessly across the room, quickly followed by his own.

Then he reclaims her mouth, kissing hard and deep until the need for air forces them to break apart, but his lips instantly set to work on the curve of her neck, her collarbone, and from there further down to her breasts. She arches up against him, panting already, her hands clutching at his back. She wants him.

He takes one nipple into his mouth, sucking, twirling his tongue around it, gently tugging with his teeth, relishing the little noises she makes while her hands are roaming over the naked skin of his back.

He has memorized every inch of her body, he knows what she likes and how she likes it. And still this never gets boring. If anything, it gets more interesting all the time. Because he enjoys seeing her like this, he enjoys knowing that he's the one making her like this.

He has never wanted anyone as much as he wants her. Not just right now, but always. He thinks he might even love her, though he's not ready to admit that yet. He knows he will have to say it first probably, and he will. Yes, eventually he will. But for now it's enough for them to keep doing this. To just be together, to just know that there is more than something going on between them, but no need yet to give a name to this “more than something”, to whatever it is that they have. It's enough to have each other. It's what they need. What they want.

“'lizabeth.” he pants, lifting his head to look down at her, a fire in his eyes that makes her insides melt.

Her hips buck off the bed, grinding against his. She's happy they found this way to let off some steam together. It helps.

Then he's crashing his lips against hers again, one hand sliding low over her belly and slipping between her thighs where he starts rubbing at her through the fabric of her panties. His fingers find their target immediately and move skilfully against the sensitive spot.

She pulls her mouth away from his, the need to breathe suddenly overwhelming. She's somehow so close already.

“John... please...” she moves her hands down his body to tug at his boxers, indicating him to take them off. As he doesn't comply immediately she slides one hand inside, closing her fingers around his erection. He gasps and she tightens her grip, thumb brushing over the tip of his cock and he presses his forehead against her shoulder, fighting for control.

“Elizabeth” his voice sounds raw and needy and begging at the same time and she feels like her whole body is on fire. “I'm not gonna last very long if you keep doing this.”

She lets him go and he briefly rolls off her, struggling to get out of his boxers before removing her panties with one trained movement of his hands and then his head is between her legs and she gasps as his tongue flicks over her clit. He has to tighten his grip on her to hold her still because she's making rocking movements with her hips that she doesn't even realize.

He presses down a little harder with his tongue and she moans, he feels her hands in his hair, feels her body tense and knows she doesn't need much more. He's almost proud he can do this to her.

He closes his lips around her clit and she feels that she's going to explode any second now. And when she does it's still somehow unexpected and she digs her nails into his scalp and screams, and he thinks it's the most beautiful sound he's ever heard.

She screams his name and he can't wait any longer, he needs to feel her, too, needs her now. He moves up her body and sinks into her, deep, with one swift movement, and he has to force himself to just stay like that for a few seconds, because she's hot and tight and the feeling of her wet muscles adjusting around him is just so damn good.

He starts moving, his hips rocking backwards and slamming into her again, and again, and his hands that are resting on either side of her shoulders curl into fists as he tries to stay in control just a tiny bit longer. They're moving together in a fast and urgent rhythm now, and the sexy little noises she makes as he feels that she's going to come again almost drive him crazy with need.

She wraps her legs high around his back, urging him to go deeper and he grabs one of her thighs for support and adjusts the angle slightly, causing her to arch her back and slam her head back into the pillows. The guttural moan that escapes her is almost enough to make him come.

He thrusts harder, just a few more times, before he feels her tighten around him as she comes again, moaning wildly, clinging to him as he rides her through the climax.

His breath is coming in ragged gasps, his movements desperate and erratic and then she clenches her muscles again and says his name and he comes deep inside her, almost sobbing with relief as his entire body shakes with the power of his orgasm.

He collapses on top of her, feeling spent and boneless and content. Still, he doesn't want to crush her and attempts to move, but she keeps him firmly in place. So he stays where he is while they both try to catch their breath.

After a while he rolls onto his back, taking her with him, his arms wrapped around her. She rests her face against his chest and places some soft kisses on his sweaty skin and he tightens his hold on her.

He feels her body relax as her breathing slows and she drifts off to sleep. He closes his eyes, too, and buries his face in her hair. He loves being close to her. In more than just one way. And he knows that one day he will have to tell her that.

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