Reviews For Tuesday Night
Reviewer: shepweir always Signed Date: October 13, 2010 - 02:31 pm Title: Tuesday Night

I have read this a couple of times but I am always moved by it's beauty.
Sparky is such a powerful connection.
I miss Elizabeth & John and the original cast. Season 1 is still one of my favorites. Great job as always. Tears are in my eyes from the real feelings you create between your characters.

Reviewer: Erin87 Signed Date: February 10, 2009 - 10:28 pm Title: Tuesday Night

Oh, that was really, really good! So sad and so touching. I love how they comfort one another, and it would have been a very natural fit for the episode. Great job.

Reviewer: krisrussel Signed Date: July 13, 2008 - 05:07 pm Title: Tuesday Night

beautiful.... truly beautiful...

Reviewer: Anuna Signed Date: May 20, 2007 - 05:43 am Title: Tuesday Night

So sad and yet so beautiful!!!

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: shannyfish Signed Date: January 21, 2007 - 02:22 am Title: Tuesday Night

awwww my Opal! It's so FANTASICAL and BEAUTIFUL! *so proud that it's not ten billion pages long* EHEHEHEHEEHEHE *huggles the Opal* WONDERFUL!!!! Though it really isn't fair making me cry more!!! But I love how you tie in Carson to it all and how absolutely perfect John and Elizabeth are and how you tie in the Carson stories!

Author's Response: Thank you dearie! It's really short...I promised!

Reviewer: Anjirika Signed Date: January 17, 2007 - 09:32 pm Title: Tuesday Night

Oh, Oh...I have totally got to learn not to read very sad and well written fanfics the same day that I watch the damn episode....but I did, and this was damn good....made me cry all over again....well done.

Author's Response: *passes tissues* Thanks!

Reviewer: Indiansummer Signed Date: January 17, 2007 - 08:55 pm Title: Tuesday Night

Wonderful. Just what I need after this shock. It was hard for me to see Carson dying. I think for everyone it was a big shellshock. How bad must it be for his friends and family? It is always hard for those who stay, never for those who go. His friends will carry the grief forever in her heart, until they see him again one day. Wonderful how you described these moments afterwards, this question, the grief, the working off. The need to speak with someone who understand and feel the same. Thank you for writing it. Indi :-)

Author's Response: Thank you. I really thought John and Elizabeth would need each other.

Reviewer: Connie Signed Date: January 17, 2007 - 06:46 am Title: Tuesday Night

Beautiful. I cried my heart out last night and your story brought back all the emotions that I experienced while watching the end of last night's episode.

And I can totally see Carson smiling at the fact that he, though tragically, brought them together.

Author's Response: Thanks! After John and Elizabeth shared that look...I had to do something.

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