Reviews For Cradle Song
Reviewer: shepweir always Signed Date: March 14, 2012 - 09:24 pm Title: 1/1

I have to say this is one of the most heartfelt and uplifting Spark stories I have read in a long time. I absolutely love it so much. It made me laugh out loud to hear all the special messages he shared with his little girl. Sheppard would be an awesome father. I vote for an SGA movie where they are married and getting ready for their 1st little one. You have made me smile. I am going to add this to my favorites. It is just so close to perfect. I have to give it a 10 plus...

Reviewer: ancientesha Signed Date: June 24, 2008 - 05:56 pm Title: 1/1

that was soo the best fic i ever read
liz and shep having a baby girl :X
priceless:X loved it :X
what shep told his daughter was unbelivable sweet (i loved the part with: no matter how many puddle-jumpers you crash - i will still love you [or the music part] ) ... loved it :X:X:X

Author's Response: Best baby fic you've ever read? WoW, that's high praise indeed :) Thank you so much! You've made me blush! And, of course, I'm glad you enjoyed the fic :D Thanks for your lovely review!

Reviewer: krisrussel Signed Date: May 01, 2008 - 05:51 pm Title: 1/1

ooooh, this is just too sweet :^)

Author's Response: Hahaha, it is a little on the sweet side, but glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the review!

Reviewer: physics_geek Anonymous Date: January 07, 2008 - 05:50 am Title: 1/1

awwww, i had to go find a tissue...that was have a wonderful gift

Author's Response: *blushes* Thank you for such lovely comments...I like to write pretty things sometimes and I'm just glad that people seem to like them :) Your review was very much appreciated!

Reviewer: tatablp Signed Date: August 19, 2007 - 11:44 pm Title: 1/1

Aww *-* that was soo cute! Loved it!

Author's Response: Happy to hear this fic is still making people happy :D Thanks for reviewing, and thanks for favouriting the fic too! It's always a pleasure to know my work is liked :)

Reviewer: Bluewave Signed Date: October 18, 2006 - 09:19 am Title: 1/1

Aw, I have the biggest grin on my face right now, this was so adorable, loved it. :) Write more!

Author's Response: I'm glad it made you smile--that was pretty much the kind of reaction I was hoping for! Thanks so much for the feedback and I'll try my best to get cracking on other fics :)

Reviewer: Center Starr Signed Date: July 05, 2006 - 02:09 pm Title: 1/1

AWESOME story! Best I've read so far. :-) Write more! I especially loved the "ten little fingers and ten little toes" line.

Author's Response: *blushes* Thank you so much for such a glowing review. I wasn't expecting such praise for this little fic, so your words have made my day. I'll try to write more, really! Just give me some time :)

Reviewer: Trialia Signed Date: July 01, 2006 - 08:44 am Title: 1/1

Awwwww, the fluffy goodness. :D My teeth hurt :P

Author's Response: LOL...I was aiming for cavity-inducing action there :) Glad you liked it and as always, thanks for your review!

Reviewer: AngelQueen Signed Date: June 30, 2006 - 11:57 pm Title: 1/1

*melts into a puddle of goo* Oh my... Shep with a beautiful baby girl... Him and Lizzie have a daughter to dote upon, not to mention the entire city gets to spoil her shamelessly.

Wonderful ficlet! I loved it!

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Even I have to admit it was definitely heavy on the gooey, mushy side :) If only this could happen in the series, eh? *sigh* Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: fee_kh Signed Date: June 30, 2006 - 03:34 pm Title: 1/1

I really enjoyed that, good work.

Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it! I aim to please :) Thanks for reading and reviewing!

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