Are you planning on updating this fic? It's been a few YEARS now.
I have to say when I saw this updated I was beyond thrilled. This is one of my favorite SGA Sparky stories ever. Please you have to find a way to bring those children back home to their Atlantis. I can't imagine the pain and loss that Sheppard and Weir are facing at the fear for what happened to their amazing and genius kids. This story has to have some of the best characters. I particularly love your Connor & Emily. They rock.
Just checking to see if you've updated yet... Darn, no update. :-( I do hope that you'll eventually complete this wonderful fic... Please? :-)
I just read this story and I hope you finish it.
I can't wait to read more!!! I love the whole ''Sheppard siblings going off world" bit :^D
Oh I can't believe you posted the chapter. I love this story. I am so excited to see what happens next. Great job. Love Emily & Connor
When will the next two chapters be posted here? I read them on the John/Elizabeth ship community board.
please update soon! :-)
Oh my gosh, please, please, please, put in the next chapter! This sounds SOOOOO good!!! ;=)
A wonderful beginning! I'm really looking forward to the next chapter!
mmh. Interesting! I like it! :D Now, what's gonna happen next? Write soon...please. *puppydogeyes*
great start ! cant wait for the next chapter
It's a lovely beginning, can't wait for the next chapters ;)
Nice beginning. Should be interesting to see what you make of it.
I can't wait till you post the next chapter. I love this. I just hope Elizabeth retuns to Atlantis soon.
John and Elizabeth need to get married and have beautiful babies.
With an opening like that, you had BETTER be continuing this story soon; what you've got here is WAY too intriguing to leave it hanging like that!