Reviews For Weddings and Bridesmaid Dresses
Reviewer: boomerbristol Signed
Date: November 21, 2009 - 10:31 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Fluffy or not, I LOVED this! Sweet!
Reviewer: Erin87 Signed
Date: September 14, 2009 - 04:10 pm
Title: Chapter 1
I may have already reviewed this on, but I'll do it again anyway, because this story is so FANTASTIC!! I was laughing the entire time (I love Laura!). And it's so sweet! *laughs happily* The two of them saying the lines of the ceremony together... *sighs with happiness*
Love this. :)
Reviewer: krisrussel Signed
Date: September 11, 2009 - 02:04 am
Title: Chapter 1
Awwww, I love this one, it's so sweet and so cute and so... awwww.
I love Elizabeth's mom in this and I would have loved to get to know her better in the show. Luckily we have ff for that ;^)