Reviews For After Vegas
Reviewer: Bil Signed Date: December 15, 2010 - 11:24 pm Title: After Vegas

Love it! I liked the way you wrote John's thoughts and I love thinking about all the possibilities from this point on. Great fic.

Reviewer: shepweir always Signed Date: November 29, 2009 - 12:48 am Title: After Vegas

If only that could have happened.
It's not the same without Lizzie.

Reviewer: Vixen in Violet Signed Date: August 17, 2009 - 03:47 pm Title: After Vegas

Aw, I so wished this happened! Perfect! :)

Reviewer: Sparky Warrior Signed Date: August 17, 2009 - 07:07 am Title: After Vegas

Post Blue aye? NO WAY! I thought no-one here still watched that one? Such an inspirational video. :) Anyways, still good to have another writer onboard. *salute*

Author's Response: Oh, that is a very cool little video, yeah, its on my favourites playlist. Placeo's own video just isn't as good :) And thanks for the welcome.

Reviewer: Sparky Warrior Signed Date: August 13, 2009 - 02:28 am Title: After Vegas

Nice little drabble here =) *salute*

Author's Response: I suddeny wrote a few missing scenes one evening after watching a round of episodes. I didn't really follow the series past season 3/4, but scenes from a music video, 'Shweir Post Blue' on youtube, made me go watch Vegas. Thankyou.

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