I was rereading this story, (which I do with all my favorites), and I realized that I'd never left a review! I first read your wonderful fic YEARS ago and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you then how much I LOVED it! It's such a wonderful story and such a pleasure to read - I enjoyed it as much today as I did when I first read it. Nicely done!
Your work totally captured me. I felt this was a great story. The characters were all well done. I truly enjoyed it from beginning to end.
Author's Response: Thank you. :) I intend to go back over it at some point and correct all the errors, smooth it out a bit.
OMG! This was so great! I still have tears in my eyes from the last chapter. I love this story so much for so many reasons. The way you described the characters, the moods and the atmosphere...simply perfect. I just wish the authors of the show would have had just a tiny bit of your obvious devotion to the characters and let us all have a happy ending for John and Elizabeth. Amazing work done here. Great writing. :D
Author's Response: Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed :)
awww, beautiful little scene. I wonder why you cut it out...
Author's Response: I simply didn't find a place for it after I rewrote one of the chapters.
*wipes tear away*
I love the bittersweet ending. It was very sudden, but also very fitting.
Awesome job!
Author's Response: It was a bit soon, but I watned to give it a definite ending rather than leave it hanging. I could have carried on writing, and I may add more chapters at some point, but for now, I have enough other projects going on that I wanted to end this one and get cracking on something else.
Thanks for the support throughout, I'm glad you liked it :)
* takes out her tissues to wipe her eyes.
Beautiful. A fitting ending to a noble hearted lady. Dear Sheppard.....
* rubs her chest where her heart is aching for him.
At least "their" daughter will carry on their legacy. Thank you! I so enjoyed your series. It was fun following the progress made.
*brings a bottle of sauvignon blanc to celebrate the author's writing feat. A tray of yummy cheese plate with quince paste and dry Italian biscuits to go with the cheese. " Wine and cheese celebratory party ."
P.s. I think it's either chapter 30 or 29 that the font was mainly bold halfway through the piece.
Author's Response: You're very generous :)
Are you sure you're computer isn't ahving issues? I can't find a thing wrong with the formatting? Thanks for all the support, I may add to it later, extend the story between the return to Atlantis and the ending but I have other stuff needs doing first :) Thanks a lot.
*bounces* I love the interaction with the families! And I can't wait to read more! Update soon please!
Wow! I like how you've changed the format of your series. The short blurb for each chapter is a fantastic idea. Good thinking, '99!
Can't believe to my delighted surprise, when I managed some time to check on your updates, that you have posted a whole lot more chapters for your readers. *takes out a couple of wine glasses and pours in some lovely sparkling shiraz for the author and myself to say, "Thanks!"
Chai latte - latte is an italian milky coffee that comprises of one third espresso and two thirds of hot and slightly frothy milk. It's not a cappucino. Chai is an indian spiced tea,sweetened with cinnamon stick. We combine the spice of chai into the latte hence chai latte. =) I love vanilla chai latte. Highly recommended.
Back on track with your series, just a query. Two of your chapters were mainly in bold font and I think one of term is in italics as well. Not sure if it's meant to be formatted that way.
I was so on edge about Liz meeting her AU mum and shep's family. I love the interactions and family tensions between shep and his bro. Very believable. Well done!
I am so looking forward to more. I totally get it if you are stalling a chapter a week, though it is a torture for some of your readers, namely me. =) Looking forward to more installments.
Author's Response: Woohoo! Alcohol! Thanks for clearing up the 'Chai Latte' thing, I'll give that a go. I'm glad you like the new format, I've just double-checked all the chapters, and no, they're not supposed to be in primarily italics or bold, just normal format so if you see it, let me know, I've just screwed up the HTML script is all.
I'm glad you like it, doesn't hardly seem worth writing otherwise! :) I hope to get it finished before I have to start back at work and study, but I'm not holding my breath. If you think the story's going downhill, or rushing, let me know, I've edited a couple of chapters the next day because I've realised my mistake in rushing it and I have no beta to act as safety net. That goes for anyone reading the story.
Thanks for the encouragement, and catching the typos. Cheers!
I really hope they get to return to Atlantis. Please update soon.
Author's Response: Curiously, I was writing the next chapter at the same time you were posting. If you stick around, I may be updating a few more chapters tonight, I've got a break between assignments and I intend to make full use of it. :D
Can't wait for more!
A round robin is a story written by several writers. For example: you write chapter one, I write chapter two, someone else writes chapter three and so on. Some are pre-decided so you know what chapter(s) will be yours, but it can also be first come, first go. Meaning that when you read a chapter and you think: 'mmm, I know how to continue from here.' you just do.
Hope this made it more clear.
Author's Response: Brilliant, thanks. Sounds like a blast, a more sophisticated version of the scribblings game you pass round at parties.
Need more!! I honestly can't wait for the next chapter.
And no worries about dragging the story along... A Sparky story can never be long enough ;^) And it's not a drag, you keep it interesting and fun and in character and good... Want more! ;^)
Author's Response: Updated and thanks. What's a "round robin" on the submissions form?
Congratulations on receiving the coveted blue ribbon! You deserve the accolade and the readers' praises for a great storyline.
I certainly don't think you are dragging the storyline at all. Your clever idea deserves the thorough and utmost care in unravelling the complexities of the situation; nothing worse than a rushed story with clumsy and awkward plots. I am so looking forward to see what will become of John 's earth visit with Liz . Sorry for my long drabble, I just want to encourage YOU!!! Another espresso? Or chai latte? ;)
Author's Response: Thank you very much, it's just good to know people enjoy it and I'm not writing it just to sit and rot on my hard-drive. Chai latte? What's that? Don't worry about drabbling (took me a while to cotton on what that meant too! I'm not up on the fanfic lingo!) I think I might have to limit myself to a chapter a week if this goes on much longer though, I have no current end in sight.
Need more!! Need more!!
And the blue thingy next to the title means that your story is now featured. Congrats ;^)
Author's Response: Thank you, and another chapter is now online. I hoped to be finished by this point. Think I'm dragging it out too long? Currently it doesn't seem to be ending.
I really don't like cliffhangers... please update soon ;^)
Author's Response: Haha. Updated. Now, can someone tell me what the blue thing is next to the story title that's suddenly appeared??
Ooooh! *hugs author. Thanks so much for staying up so late and posting another great chapter. I really appreciate it. *makes espresso coffee for author.
Author's Response: Woohoo! Caffeine! Have another chapter.
More please!!!
I'm loving this!
Wow, I've stayed up entirely too late finding this story and reading all the chapters up to this point. :) Thanks for this great story - can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response: Good, 'cos I stayed up entirely too late writing it! ;) Thank you.
Where 's the next chapter? Ha ha I sound like the little baby birds chirping more feed and it's not far from the truth. Another great cliffhanger. Keep it up!
OMG!. Cant wait till next chapter!.
OMG! Cliffhanger! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Please update soon! I'm loving this story so far!
nooooooo!!!!! Where's the next chapter? I want to thank you for writing such a complex emotion and character driven story. The plot is fantastic and it ties up so well to the reality of sga's universe. Love it, love it. Wished the writers of sga would have been as talented as you are in bringing weir back. Hanging out for the next installments.
Author's Response: Thank you very much. Next instalment just posted.
awesome story =) please update more can not wait
Author's Response: Thank you. Chapter 8 is now online.
absaloutely love it! please write more.
Author's Response: Another chapter up and I have another drafted. Longest fanfic I think I've wrote. :) I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Interesting beginning and alternate universe. Keep it up.
Author's Response: Thank you :)