Reviewer: boomerbristol Signed Date: December 31, 2009 - 09:20 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

A terrific story! Looking forward to your next update!

Author's Response: Thanks... And yeah... I'm working on updating this one too... I hate leaving stories unfinished...

Reviewer: Cocoa_girl Signed Date: May 16, 2009 - 12:57 am Title: Part 09: Consequences

This is a wonderful story, I just wish you would finish it and not leave it as is. I want both John and Elizabeth to get well. I want to see them have a romantic dinner together. I want to see them talk on their balcony again. I want them to kiss their too. When the ones sent from earth to evaluate Elizabeth I hope Jack is amongst them. If he isn't the one to do the evaluating.

Author's Response: *hides in shame*

I am planning on finishing it... I really am... I just need more time and less plot-bunnies that keep bothering me with other stories...
I will finish it though... I don't like unfinished stories myself...

Reviewer: lisabeth39 Signed Date: April 07, 2009 - 06:05 pm Title: Part 09: Consequences

Another great chapter. Glad Elizabeth is better in herself, now she just needs john to get better also. Please update soon 10+

Reviewer: Atri Signed Date: April 07, 2009 - 04:35 pm Title: Part 09: Consequences

Great chapter and nice bonding between Elizabeth and Sam. I really liked this.

Reviewer: ShepLiz4eva Signed Date: April 05, 2009 - 08:08 pm Title: Part 08: Teyla

This story is sooo good! I Sat up for an hour reading all you've done so far, i really hope you update soon. Definitely one of the best stories on this site and when its finished i reckon it could even be the best story on this site, for me anyways :) Loved it!! :D x

Reviewer: lisabeth39 Signed Date: March 17, 2009 - 06:04 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

Poor John he has to survive please don't leave Elizabeth to get well on her own, she needs john by her side.
Great story as usual. You really are a talented writer

Author's Response: Thank you!! And don't worry too much ;^)

Reviewer: yunadax Signed Date: March 15, 2009 - 09:46 pm Title: Part 05: Taking over

OOO love it! love it love it!

Author's Response: *huggles yunadax* Thank you!!!

Reviewer: yunadax Signed Date: March 15, 2009 - 09:44 pm Title: Part 04: Home

AWWWWW how utterly sweet! (and rather hot too!)

Author's Response: lol, thanks :^)
sweetness and hotness was sorta my goal, so yay :^D

Reviewer: yunadax Signed Date: March 15, 2009 - 09:39 pm Title: Part 03: Convincing

Awww progress... can I hug them both now... please???

Author's Response: Of course you can!! :^)

Reviewer: yunadax Signed Date: March 15, 2009 - 09:00 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

OO intriguing :)

Author's Response: thanks... I like a bit of good intrigue myself ;^)

Reviewer: Erin87 Signed Date: March 03, 2009 - 05:38 pm Title: Part 02: Not Real

This was very good. I'm glad you decided to continue the story, and I can't wait for the rest. : )

Author's Response: Thank you! There will be more quite soon.

Reviewer: ancientesha Signed Date: March 03, 2009 - 04:29 pm Title: Part 02: Not Real

brilliant! please go on with the story .. :D

Author's Response: Thank you! And I will, no worries!

Reviewer: Marcus S Lazarus Signed Date: March 03, 2009 - 03:23 pm Title: Part 02: Not Real


Now THIS looks promising.

I've always thought that the lack of reference to Elizabeth in "Last Man" was essentially the only problem in that episode, so it's good to see this one remedying it (Even if it COULD be in a more encouraging manner; the state Elizabeth's in could be a GREAT deal better...)

Still, here's hoping that HoloMcKay was right and things work out better now than they did in the 'original' timeline, eh?

Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Thank you!! I also hated it that 'Last Man' made absolutely no reference what so-ever to Elizabeth.
You'll have to wait and see how it turns out... but if you've read some of my other fics, you'll get an idea ;^)

Reviewer: lisabeth39 Signed Date: March 03, 2009 - 02:12 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

O can't wait for some more PLEASE
I really wish it had gone this way in the show also, it would have been awesome. Thank goodness for writers such as your self

Author's Response: I'm working on more and I should be able to update regularly, so keep your eye on this ;^)

Reviewer: Sparky Warrior Signed Date: February 13, 2009 - 12:56 am Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

Fantastic Job! Oh how I wish this really happened. Stupid writers trying to destroy the sparks... oh well, we will live on and fight! Your story lightened my day. Thankyou!! *hugs & salute*

Author's Response: Thank you! We write fanfic to rectify the mistakes the writers make and in SGA it are a lot of mistakes... oh well, it can only lead to better ff ;^)
If you like this, I hope you'll like the rest just as much...

Reviewer: SparkyFan357 Signed Date: February 04, 2009 - 07:26 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

Continue it, save her, everything!Please!
*gets on knees pleading*

Author's Response: lol, how could I resist a desperate cry like this? ;^) No worries, I'm working on the next chapter...

Reviewer: Erin87 Signed Date: January 05, 2009 - 09:48 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

That was very good! He really should have asked about Elizabeth in the actual show. Glad you decided to fix the writer's mistake. Great job!

Author's Response: Thank you! And in case anyone is interested: I'm working on a sequel.

Reviewer: ancientesha Signed Date: December 28, 2008 - 03:38 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

*smirk* thank you!! *hug*
aye, the sparky clause is something one cannot escape from or skip ;)
i'm readin a lot of fanfiction, and i havent seen a fic that uses this as a start, nor one that has the rescue of lizbeth after 4th season ending. so .. original!

Author's Response: You're welcome *returns hug*rnYeah, I haven't seen a fic either that starts from that episode... like I said, it just bugged the cr*p out of me that he didn't ask Rodney about Elizabeth and as I pondered that thought, this little fic sprung from my mind. I do have a couple of ideas about continuing though, but I'd like to get 'Beautiful Children' finished first otherwise neither fic will get finished any time soon...

Reviewer: ancientesha Signed Date: December 27, 2008 - 06:53 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

pls,pls,pls continue this! *begs*
we really need an alternate ending to this .. ;)
c'mon ..
that was amazing! you got my comment on every chapter if you update:D and a couple more from my friends :d well :D?
do it for the sparky clause ;))

hm? tbc definetely! :D

Author's Response: hmm... who am I to say no to the sparky clause? ;^)
I actually had dreams about this fic last night, so maybe there is hope yet...

Reviewer: Lefty Signed Date: December 27, 2008 - 02:53 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

You keep getting these original ideas. Well done and keep it up ;)

Author's Response: Thanks! :^)

Reviewer: captjamieway Signed Date: December 27, 2008 - 02:21 pm Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

Enjoyed this! I know the muse can't be pushed, but if you do continue on with this, I'll definitely be reading. :)

Author's Response: Thank you!
Yeah, muses can be really stubborn....

Reviewer: ele_belly Signed Date: December 27, 2008 - 09:26 am Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

*high 5* Well done Kris! If only this happened in the show... I vote sequel! Merry Christmas *hugs*

Author's Response: Thank you, my faithful reviewer.
*bows - I am not worthy*

Reviewer: jayma Signed Date: December 27, 2008 - 09:13 am Title: Part 01: What About Elizabeth?

Awesome story! I wish this had happened for reals! lol! I hope you do continue it in the future! ^_^

Author's Response: Thanks! I know it would have been awesome if something along these lines would have happened in the show... Like I said, my muse kinda abandoned me on the continuation of this story, but we'll see... maybe I can lure it back by watching some SGA... would be a good excuse ;^)

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