Reviews For High School Never Ends
Reviewer: ele_belly Signed
Date: November 06, 2008 - 06:30 pm
Title: Hiding behind a Bush?
this is cute =]
but you called a female dog Ollie? lol ^.^
Author's Response: oh lol. thanku!! <3 ur getting some of my huggiex lol !!rndeary me, my mistake. i'll remember to mention my fault.rnthankx hun. :)
Reviewer: krisrussel Signed
Date: November 05, 2008 - 05:10 pm
Title: Hiding behind a Bush?
Aaaw, thank you for the huggies
Huggies back :^)
And of course I'd love to read more, so... more please ;^)
Author's Response: oh believe me, ive got alot planned. emphasis on the "ALOT" shall we? rnthankx 4 reading :) *hugx*