Reviews For High School Never Ends
Reviewer: ele_belly Signed
Date: November 13, 2008 - 04:09 pm
Title: New Neighbour
Reread this chapter and it really is good =] Please update soon, I'm gagging for some Sparky ^.^ X
Author's Response: thanku :) dont worry! im almost done with chapter 10!!
Reviewer: ancientesha Signed
Date: November 11, 2008 - 02:47 pm
Title: New Neighbour
er, i got that already. what i meant was: sheppard recognized her and he knows she is guilty for hitting lizbeth, and he could/might take actions :D
good to know anyway.
keep up.
Author's Response: lol sorry :P running on caffeine :( my badd.. thankx anyway =D ohh you can bet there is going to be sparks flying from every direction :)