I definitely prefer your version of the story rather than the show's! :-)
A terrific read!
Author's Response: Hehe, thank you! :^D
Woah. That was really good. Love the 'take that Mike' bit at the end. Really excellent job.
Author's Response: Thank you! *grins happily*
*does happy dance* loved it!! jealous john is always amazing :X
way to go, rodney! *smirk*
Author's Response: I love jealous John too ;^)
Thx for the review!!
lol! That is seriously funny stuff Kris I love it =D I love the episode Sunday although it's sad, looks like Brandon has been put in his place ;) Nice work!
Author's Response: Thx! I'm glad you liked it. Sunday is a great episode, if only to finally see our team relax a little, and yes, the ending is very sad. But that kiss just keeps bugging the *bleep* out of me! It was about time someone put Branton in his place ;^)