Reviews For That which won't let us go
Reviewer: shepweir always Signed
Date: July 12, 2010 - 10:24 am
Title: Chapter 1
I loved this so much. I have never seen this episode but now I have to. The Sparky moments were so powerful. Great job with the characters. I think this would have been a dream come true show for all the E & J fans. I am going to add this to favs.l
Reviewer: Erin87 Signed
Date: May 30, 2009 - 11:29 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Oh, that was wonderful! There were some really beautiful moments. The echoing thoughts/feelings were especially powerful. A lovely story, and an interesting twist to the episode. Great job. :)
Reviewer: ele_belly Signed
Date: September 07, 2008 - 07:49 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Aww hehe thats cute I like it =] nice work, keep it up!
Reviewer: krisrussel Signed
Date: August 28, 2008 - 07:46 pm
Title: Chapter 1
Very cool... and very gripping... couldn't stop reading even though I had to go to the toilet very urgently ;^)