Reviews For Eyewitness Account
Reviewer: ancientesha Signed Date: July 06, 2008 - 07:16 am Title: 1/1

sequel is required:X
loved it:X

anti-snoring device lol
the end was cute:X

i mean it:D

Author's Response: Okay, so this fic is the one that I am still (albeit very slowly) coming up with some sort of sequel for. Just don't count on anything soon! The way life is going right now, I probably won't have a chance to write it for a while yet! But until then, thank you for all of your reviews and for taking the time to read my fics!

Reviewer: krisrussel Signed Date: May 23, 2008 - 06:12 pm Title: 1/1

Great story and very funny :^)
I also would love to see a sequel ;^)

Author's Response: I feel bad, because I did start on a sequel but then real life has become a roadblock to anything else I wanted to write. But I will try to tackle the sequel thing again when I have the time. In the meantime, thank you for the lovely review and glad you enjoyed the fic!

Reviewer: izzles Signed Date: January 08, 2008 - 08:36 pm Title: 1/1

Bwah hah hah hah, I love it :D

John/Elizabeth banter was brilliant, and I'll join in and nag for a sequel *grins*

Author's Response: Well, so far that's at least 4 nags, so I'll have to get my butt moving on writing the sequel :) Thanks for the comments and for reading!

Reviewer: solemn_eyed Signed Date: January 08, 2008 - 06:47 pm Title: 1/1

That was a great story. And it definitely needs a sequel!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing!And all of this poking for a sequel has got me thinking! Like I said before though, don't count on it just yet.... :D

Reviewer: keia Signed Date: January 04, 2008 - 09:38 pm Title: 1/1

Loved it, the bickering at the end is so cute. Is there a sequel? Maybe the collar is activated..:-)

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! As I said below, I am seriously debating doing a sequel (I do have some ideas), but first I'll have to actually sit down and write it :) Thanks so much for reviewing!

Reviewer: ninja_girl Signed Date: January 04, 2008 - 12:47 pm Title: 1/1

Oh nonononono, no ending there. *raises eyebrow* You really, *definitely*, need to continue this. Great fic!

Author's Response: I have to admit, I am seriously thinking about doing a sequel...although I can't promise anything :) Thanks so much for reviewing!

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