Hey, it's been really hard to read, it made me cry too, but that means you have written it very well, too well for our sake! It felt real, I found myself feeling all what John was feeling and the more I went on reading, the more I was shouting to him (and to YOU!) to do something, to hug her, to tell her something else, not to let her leaving like that! But that wouldn't have been John if he did something else, would he?
But now, just to pay up ;) , you HAVE to write a sequel!! On Earth, on Atlantis, wherever you want but make fiction better than that absurd reality the ptb are giving to us. Please.
It will definetely go to my favourite.
Great work.
Author's Response: Shouting at me? What did I do? ;) *whistles innocently* I won't deny that what I wrote happens to mirror how I feel about season 4, and it seems like a lot of people feel the same way too. Originally I was going to write this in Liz's POV, but it felt so much more like a Sheppard thing to do (more like the 'not doing anything' really), so a few things changed and voila! Angsty fic! But as for a sequel, I'll have to see. I can't make any promises now, but once the real world slows down a little, I might make an attempt at making a happier ending :) But until then, thanks so much for your lovely (and long!) review! It meant a lot!
Author's Response: Eek. Sorry it made you cry :( But thanks for taking the time to read my story!