Stargate Atlantis :: John Sheppard & Elizabeth Weir Fanfics

Welcome to Command Dynamics, a fanfiction archive for Stargate Atlantis fanfics focusing on Colonel John Sheppard and Dr. Elizabeth Weir. Sparky fanfics of all genres, types, and ratings are welcome.

The archive is completely automated so that you can register and upload your fanfiction; view and archive fanfics; and review and rate stories. To upload or review fanfiction, please create a new account and then log-in. If you have any questions or problems, please consult the Help Page.

PLEASE NOTE: The Sheppard/Weir fanlisting is completely separate from the fanfiction archive. If you have joined the fanlisting, you are NOT registered in the fanfiction database. You must sign up for a separate account to join the fanfiction archive.

Cleaned Up Spam
I went through the database and deleted as many spam accounts and reviews that I could find. I believe that I got most of them, but if you find any more, please contact me.

I will also install a new script that should cut down on the number of spam accounts.

Additionally, all new fanfics must be approved by the admins before they will be publicly posted. We will only be looking to see if the submissions are spam; no other validation will be done. Hopefully that reduces the amount of spam stories that appear on the archive.

I have also upgraded the archive script to the latest version. If you encounter any problems, please let me know.
Robin on December 01, 2017 - 02:53 am   

Most Recent
Clash of the Phantoms by Marcus S Lazarus (PG-13)
With his position in Atlantis now official, John must overcome his own perception of himself as old foes assume a new approach and his relationship with...

Aspiring Ardor by Robin (G)
The first time an alien fell for Elizabeth, John teased her mercilessly.

Two for Joy by Robin (G)
'If you're going to work with her, you need to get over your crush on her.'

Not Supposed to Be by Erin87 (G)
When two teenagers show up in the gateroom and make an astonishingclaim, John must risk everything to get them home, even if it means changing everything...

Sparks Ignited by shipper scifi (M)
Thrown into the midst of another galaxy, Elizabeth Weir leads her expedition on an exploration both of Pegasus' worlds outside of Atlantis and deep in...

Between Time by shipper scifi (M)
McKay makes a discovery and a new species makes contact with Carter, showing her that Weir may be dead to the human world, but not to Time itself...

Mystery of the Phantom by Marcus S Lazarus (PG-13)
(AU, Part 2 of series) As their second year in Atlantis begins, Elizabeth finds herself drawn ever further into the mystery of the Phantom of Atlantis...

Changing Bodies by Madi (PG)
They come back from the mission and everything was fine, till next morning. Due to something SGA-1 turned on, John and Elizabeth change bodies to feel...

Fractured Phalanges and TLC by ShipperWriter (PG)
When Elizabeth has an accident with the stairs, John takes over her responsibilities -- and takes responsibility for her.

The First Year by Atri (PG)
The first year was perhaps the most important of them all.

Archive Information
We have 224 authors from among our 760 members, and there have been 5147 reviews written about our 1128 stories. Welcome to our newest member, Success ines.

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Tribal by shipper_eternally (M)
Yeah John and Liz go offworld and find themselves getting closer...a lot closer!...

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