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Author's Chapter Notes: How will John cope when he finally is confronted by the person who has been the cause of Elizabeth pain and heartbreak


Dr Wallace’s arrived at two the following afternoon. Once he was handed over into the custody of the air force, he was quickly ushered into the high security section of Stargate Command. His presence was to be kept quiet with only the members of SG1 and the Atlanteans being aware of the true reason for his presence.

Due to Elizabeth confinement to the infirmary, the chances of her finding out about the man’s transfer were extremely remote. SG1 and the Atlanteans were determined it would remain that way. No one wanted to cause her further distress and this would be inevitable if she became aware of Wallace’s transfer.

Dr Wallace was due to be questioned later that afternoon: Jack and Landry had been assigned to getting the truth out of the miscreant. The Atlanteans would be then be given the opportunity to question Simon about the assault on Elizabeth whilst he was on Atlantis.

It was quickly established that Simon’s knowledge meant he was a serious threat to the security and secrecy surrounding the Stargate programme and to Atlantis herself. Their only options were incarceration in a secure facility or relocation to a planet without a Stargate. It was a difficult decision but one that would have to be quickly made.

Dr. Wallace had brazenly tried to strike up a deal with the two Generals. He maintained if he was allowed to escape incarceration he would remain silent about the Stargate programme. Jack immediately informed him there was no way of escaping justice for his crimes against Elizabeth. He was adamant that Dr. Wallace would be held accountable for his actions; Jack felt he owned this to Dr Weir.

Simon continued to deny his involvement in what had occurred the night Elizabeth was beaten and raped. The evidence was thankfully undisputable. Medical, criminal and witness statements concurred: there could be no mistake. Simon was going down, there was no way around it. And Jack didn’t have a problem with that.

The attack on Elizabeth whilst on Atlantis was going to be much more difficult to prove. The analysis from Elizabeth’s blood proved without any doubt she was drugged before the assault. Due to the lack of witnesses, it was going to be impossible to hold Simon responsible unless the Atlanteans were able to get a confession from him.

John paced impatiently, waiting for Jack and General Landry to finish questioning Simon. Ronon stood behind him, cracking his knuckles and looking his usual Conan self. Both were anxious to begin their own Q&A with the bastard, determined to get a confession from him no matter how long it took.

He was muttering in irritation, but looked up as the door opened. Finally, John thought silently.

“How did things go?” John asked as the Generals entered. “D‘ya think he‘ll come clean?”

Jack shook his head, wishing he could say something that would reduce the younger man’s agitation. “You’ve got to be kidding. He’s practically doing the opposite. He tried to blackmail us into allowing him to walk free; kept saying that he’ll keep quiet, if we drop the charges against him.”

“What?!” exclaimed John angrily. “He really thinks he can just walk away from the disgusting attack on her?” He expelled his breath slowly, trying to calm himself. Getting angry at O’Neill wouldn’t solve anything.

“Sheppard ...” Jack laid a hand on his shoulder. He understood how the guy felt, but he‘d have to keep his temper. “Do you really think we’d fall for his blackmail? There’s no way in hell we are going to let him walk from this.”

That seemed to calm Sheppard slightly. “So how are you going to deal with the security issue then? It’s not as if we can lock him up and throw away the key,” asked John irritably. Glancing over pilot noticed the knowing smirk on Jack’s face.“You got something planned... haven’t you?” he accused.

“You bet I have.” Jack shrugged at his sceptical expression. “He may be a security risk here on Earth but there are many planets out in the Milky Way that owe us a favour. It’s down to you now. Go get your confession for what he did to Elizabeth on Atlantis.” The news calmed the pilot, but O’Neill knew he’d have to be watched. Weir would not take kindly to his letting her man get into any trouble. The man had a knack for stupid, after all. “Don’t let him get to you,” he warned. “Remember, you don’t want to do anything that will jeopardise what you have with Elizabeth. She needs you right now.”

“Don’t worry Jack; I have no intention of allowing him to come between Elizabeth and I again, ever.” John turned sombre, “He‘ll talk, there‘s no way he‘ll get out of here if he doesn‘t. And it’s the only way I can justify his presence here.”

“Sheppard, leave that to me!” Ronon smirked nastily, clapping him on the back. “When I’ve finished with him, he will talk.”

“I am sure he will,” replied Jack as he eyed Ronon. He could see the Satedan was just waiting, ready to beat a confession out of the man. He wouldn‘t have wanted Dex angry with him, that was for sure. “Right let’s get this over with. Sheppard, where’s Weir? l take it she’s out of harm’s way?”

“She’s undergoing her therapy with Carson and the physiotherapist,” John answered, remembering the conversation he had with Elizabeth earlier. He’d hated deceiving her. Sensing he was keeping something from her, she had been hurt. “She was a bit upset that l wasn’t going to be there. Thankfully Carson and Teyla are looking out for her.”

“Okay...” Jack replied with a nod. He knew how hard this was for the Colonel; it was the first time he hadn’t been with Weir during her therapy. “Just wanted to make sure she won’t get any nasty surprises. Let’s get in there then.”

John felt himself tense, his emotions raging inside as he came face to face with the man who was the cause of Elizabeth’s pain and heartbreak. He felt like grabbing Wallace by the throat and slowly squeezing the life out of him. The thought of Elizabeth having to cope alone without him, however, prevented him from springing into action.

“So...” He began, “Are you going to be man enough to admit the horror you put Elizabeth through?” John asked as his fists clenched in anger.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” answered Simon, brimming with confidence.

“You know full well what I’m talking about, but let me refresh your memory. In that sick mind of yours, you plotted a vile and deplorable revenge. An act of revenge against an innocent woman who didn’t deserve the horror you subjected her to. You drugged and raped her. And why? Because you realised she was in a relationship with someone other than you-” Wallace tried to interrupt but John spoke over him. “You didn’t leave it at that however: Instead you cruelly let her believe she had willingly slept with you, causing her heartbreak from what I can tell, just for the hell of it.” He surveyed the prisoner disgustedly.

“Is that what Elizabeth is trying to tell you?” laughed Simon. “Wait, you actually believe the lies that bitch has been spinning for you? You’re more of a fool than I though. She’s certainly got you sussed. Liz must have worked out how gullible you were within minutes of sleeping with you.” He paused. “Sorry to disappoint you, but she did me without thinking twice, and I have to say... enjoyed every minute. Judging by the screams.” He grinned smugly at Shepherd. “I can give you the details, if you want.”

John lunged at Simon growling in anger, unable to hold back his fury. He knew it was crap, he knew he was being baited, but still-

Ronon, knowing his friend wanted at this moment to beat the man senseless, quickly intervened. He grabbed the other man in a vice-like grip, pulling him back into his seat. “Sheppard,” he muttered “What’re you trying to do? Think of Elizabeth. How do you think it’ll affect her if you’re locked up for assaulting him? Leave it to me-, I can dish out the physical stuff.”

“Did you hear... what he was insinuating...?” John- hissed- desperately, and tried trying to pull free from Ronon’s hold.

“Yeah Sheppard... but we know it’s not true, and that what matters,” answered Ronon.

“It still makes me sick... hearing him talking about Elizabeth like that-, Ronon she can’t even defend herself...” growled John, but his struggled eased.

Jack had been listening in silence. The remark had disgusted him too; He hated to think how it would have affected Wallace’s victim. But Shepherd would have to calm down. “Elizabeth may not be present to defend herself,” he said softly, deliberately ignoring Simon, “But we can do it for her. The best way of defending her, of getting some payback, is by showing him he hasn’t succeeded in what he set out to do.”

John’s mood eased; he stopped struggling. “You mean I should show him I‘m a lover not a fighter?” He shot Wallace his cockiest look. “Lizzie knows that.”

“See, you’re not as dumb as you make out Sheppard,” drawled Jack. Ronon nodded in agreement; it was weird to see, he’d thought only Weir had that knack for calming his friend down.

“It’s still not going to get a confession out of him though, is it?” replied John.

“I’ve told you before; allow me five minutes alone with him. He’ll be begging to confess,” growled Ronon.

“As much as l would like to say go ahead,” sighed Jack. “I can’t allow it.”

Jack thought for a moment. The Satedan could be a key to obtaining a confession. “There is a way... we can possibly use the threat of Ronon to our advantage.” He paused. “We give him the option of confessing and being allowed to live the rest of his sordid existence on a planet of his choice, or letting Ronon here loose on him. Then we pray he takes the bait.”

Ronon turned to Jack, unable to hide his annoyance. “If we gave him the choice of the planet he goes to, how can we ensure he can’t return through the Stargate?”

Raising an eyebrow, Jack replied, “Ah, but that’s only what we let him believe. The planets we offer him will be ones we’ve already checked out. And as I said earlier only planets without Stargate will be offered to him. Most of the males on these planets think it is unforgivable to injure a woman. If we let slip to them what he did before he arrives, well, suffice to say the welcoming party won’t be very warm.” Ronon smirked nastily thinking that I like.

“Finally, just between us, you know how easily minor accidents happen, on a strange planet. You can get injured just by stumbling over a rock.”

By now John was grinning, glad to see that he and O’Neill were on the same wave length.

“True. Like slipping and falling against something hard.”

“Precisely,” Jack smirked back.

“So how do we get him to agree to it?” asked Ronon, his gaze flickering between the two men.

“Well,” answered Jack. “We let you threaten him first, just a little gentle persuasion.”

John was deep in thought, before he said, “Can we be involved in transporting him to the planet he decides on?”

“I don’t see why not, may even go along for the ride myself,” grinned Jack. Now that was something he would enjoy.

“Let’s get back to it then,” replied John, “before he gets suspicious.”

“Okay. Go for it Ronon,” answered O’Neill.

Once inside, Dex strolled over to Simon, his formidable appearance threatening. The prisoner visibly paled as Ronon towered over him. He wasn’t sure how far they would go to get a confession from him.

“So, you still insisting that you didn’t hurt Dr Weir?” growled Ronon.

“I already told fly boy over there. Elizabeth was a willing participant and enjoyed every minute,” answered Simon. His voice, was lacking the confidence from earlier.

“Well, l prefer to believe a woman who l have great respect for.” He loomed over him threateningly. “I certainly don’t believe the bully who has already been found guilty of raping and beating her.”

Simon looked over to John before viciously replying. “She asked for it-, she kept- complaining, showing me up in front of my visitors, l told her to shut up, but she just kept on and on. Even after we had her, she still wouldn’t be quiet so l just put some manners on the woman.”

John stormed over. “She was trying to get you to be quiet, fearful of disturbing your elderly neighbours. Unlike you, she cares about people.” He paused. “What she didn’t deserve, is the horror and terror you subjected her to. You left her barely alive. Elizabeth would have died, if it hadn’t been for one of your so-called friends. Thankfully he was disgusted at what you did to her, and called an ambulance.”

Jack came over and laid a hand on the younger man’s arm. He could feel the tension radiating from every muscle in Sheppard body, ready to erupt into violence. Could he keep it in check? He felt John take a deep breath. Forcing himself to relax, their eyes met, and understanding passed between them. The Colonel was still in control.

Crossing his arms, O’Neill took over, giving Sheppard a few moments reprieve. “So enlighten us. What terrible thing did your victim do, to cause your wrath on Atlantis? What terrible act did she carry out that made you decide she needed to be punished?”

“It is all in that perverted brain of his,” growled Ronon. “Dr Weir didn’t do anything, she was innocent.”

“What’s with you all thinking she’s this can do no wrong, picture of innocence?” He laughed nastily. “I can tell you a thing or two about things she’s done, that’ll make the hairs on your neck stand up-”

“No one said she doesn’t have a past,” relied John angrily. “We all do. That doesn’t give you a right to come to Atlantis and treat her like you did.”

“Why should you get to enjoy her? She belonged to me, not you,” Simon replied, his annoyance suddenly getting the better of him. “I saw her fawning over you, describing what she was going to be doing with you later. She lied to me, and told me there was no one else. Instead here she was, behaving like a tart and I hadn’t even left yet. So I decided she needed to be punished. She deserved what she got.”

Jack threw him a disgusted look “So you’re admitting everything then?”

Simon startled, he’d unwittingly given up his one playing card. Oh well he thought, I guess they’re smarter than they look, no need to hold back now. “I suppose I have.”
With a nasty smirk on his face he said “So, do you want to know all the delightful details? Do you want me to describe the expression on her face when she realised what was going to happen?” He paused, then laughed. “You should have heard her begging me not to, oh how sweet it was as I...”

A furious rumble sounded through the room, then Simon suddenly felt himself gasping for air and pinned against the wall. He desperately tried to pry Ronon’s hand from his throat, with no success.

“Say another word and I will rip your tongue from your throat,” Dex snapped, twisting his fingers viciously. “Oh and by the way. This is for Elizabeth.” Nobody saw what he did next, but barely a moment later the doctor was writhing on the floor in agony.

The Satedan looked up at them with a savage grin on his face but his next words made them relax. “Don’t worry; l won’t end his suffering that quickly. The men grinned revelling in Wallace being on the receiving end at last. But what I did, will hurt like hell for quite some time.”

“Now that he’s confessed, it’s time to decide what to do with him,” said Jack after taking a moment to compose himself. It was so good to finally get justice for both Elizabeth and John. Now if he could only get them home. “I’m going to have a word with Teal’c and Sam to find the best location for him.”

The grin he gave them made it clear where ever it was, it would not be pleasant.

“Jack what we were talking about previously, regarding that mission, does it still stand?” asked John.

“You bet it does, I’ll let you know when it’s arranged. In the meantime go spend some quality time with Elizabeth, , leave Ronon and me to wipe this scum of the floor.”

John nodded and left, his heart lighter than when he had entered the room. Knowing Elizabeth would be resting, John decided he would take the chance to get a snack at the mess hall. He hadn’t been able to face anything earlier but now his stomach called out to be fed.

Chapter End Notes: Elizabeth finds her life once again in danger

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